1. Magnetic Marketing - Are you tired of theory-based marketing advice? Then look no further... In "Magnetic Marketing," Mike delivers sound reality-based marketing strategies that will make you stand out from your competition, help you define your audience, allow you to dominate your market, as well as harness the power of a proven revenue-increasing direct marketing strategy...
2. 13 Secrets To Maximize Your Newsletter And Emails - We all know the cost of doing business with clients we've already worked with is far less than aquiring new clients, but what's the most effective way to keep them coming back for more? In "13 Secrets To Maximizing Your Newsletter and Emails" Mike reveals 13 key secrets to keeping in touch with your clients...
3. 13 Secrets To Maximize Internet Marketing - A lot of business owners have wasted a lot of money marketing via the internet with little to no results to show for their efforts... Why? Because they haven't been taught the "13 Secrets To Maximinzing Internet Marketing!" Mike teaches the key Internet Marketing strategies and considerations which can lead to increased revenue for any business (whether based online or offline)...
4. 10 Strategies To Get 10 More Referrals Per Month - This presentation could end up being a literal goldmine for your group... In "10 Strategies To Get 10 More Referrals Per Month," marketing expert Mike Crow delivers 10 separate proven strategies anyone can implement to attain 10 more referrals per month! How much revenue would 10 more referrals a month add to your bottom line?
5. The Marketing Success Formula - In "The Marketing Success Formula" Mike outlines the steps necessary for every successful marketing venture and then reveals 6 critical components every business could improve upon which helps them pull in the big dollars from the table...
6. 6 Recession Responses - Every day we are inundated with media messages about how terrible the economy is, but the truth is "now" is always the best time for your business to flourish! In "6 Recession Responses" Mike explains how to prosper, even while the rest of the world buys into the doom and gloom!
7. Business Card Makeover - Often, the first impression anyone receives of your business is your business card... In "Business Card Makeover" Mike shows you the make-or-break must-have elements you need on your business card, the marketing death knells you should avoid like the plague, and also how to maximize all of the available space on your business card so that it does what it was designed to do... Get you business!
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